Readme for Tur-Autonuke Introduction. Getting tired of nuking people who leave empty folders? How about folders where there are one or two files missing from the release? How about those folders that only contains a .nfo because its a dupe from yesterday, or already nuked and someone tried upping again? No wait, how about those german 0days releases that are not allowed? (or movies for that matter.) Or perhaps you have a section where only certain group releases are allowed? This script can take care of that. This script can autonuke when it finds one of five things in a folder (release). 1: The folder is totally empty. It can use glftpd.log to log an early warning after a couple of predefined minutes to warn people in your irc channel about the upcoming nuke. If its not corrected, and it reaches the second defined time, the folder will be nuked, using a multiplier you select. Folders containing certain words can be excluded. 2: The folder is not empty, but it does not contain any of the files you have predefined. For example, someone makes a folder and starts uploading. But its a dupe or already nuked so the rar files are stopped by dupelog. The .nfo or .diz is not however, so the folder is not totally empty. As such, #1 here does not catch it. But #2 will. You define what files must be included in each folder for it to count as "not empty". If you set it to only count .rar files for instance, any folder not containing atleast one .rar file will be nuked. It will look through all subfolders of the release to make sure the files are not hidden deeper (multiple CD's releases perhaps). This is as foolproof as you set it to be. As with #1, if it finds a certain word in a foldername, it will not be nuked (such as nfo.fix), and this also has the ability to send a pre-nuke warning to glftpd.log to warn users on irc about the upcoming nuke. Once it reaches stage 2, it is automatically nuked. I call this function "Halfempty" in the script. 3: It finds the symlink, pointing to an incomplete release. Once the folder the symlink points to is older then a number or predefined minutes, a pre-nuke warning can be sent (as with #1 and #2). Once it passes timelimit 2, its nuked. (This takes care of the common rule, "all uploads must be finished within soandso hours".) If it finds a symlink, and the folder it points to does not exist anymore, it can delete the symlink. Has the ability to "jump" up and nuke the parents folder instead of the folder that the symlink points too. Most useful incase of multi CD releases, where the symlink points to an individual CD and you want to nuke the whole release rather then just the CD. 4: It finds a banned word in a release, such as .german. or .french. Or perhaps .SWESUB.? Totally configurable. Once it finds a release with a banned word, it can send a pre-nuke warning when the folder is soandso minutes old. Then after its soandso minutes old, it simply nukes it. If you have releases from certain groups that are banned, just add -GROUPNAME as a banned word. Also comes with its own exclude section, so you can exclude your affils from this module, if they pre german stuff and you have that as a banned word, for instance. Different words can be set up with its own nuke multiplier, so you can nuke folders containing .german x5 and -FTF x3. 5: It finds a folder whos name does not match anything you have set as "allowed". This could be used for MP3 sections where you only allow certain groups etc. #3 only works if your zipscript actually creates symlinks as incomplete pointers, since this script follows the symlink to what its pointing at before it checks how old the folder is. You can execute the script with the parameter test ( test) and it will only show you what it would have done. It will NOT nuke or send pre-nuke warnings in this mode. Use this a few times over the course of a few hours or something to make sure it does not behave badly to your setup. Any of the above 4 can be turned off entirely if you do not like that feature. You can always create a folder in the release if its about to be nuked for something, but it shouldnt. Good for siteops without shell access. See ALLOWED= in the setup below. Apart for #2, this script will only go 1 directory deep into the sections that you define. It does this to ensure that it does not count any [Sitename]-Complete folders as empty or otherwise. As with #2, it goes through all subdirectories to find any of the files that must be there for it to not be defined as empty. #3 also does a variation of this, since it will follow the symlink to where ever it points to find the folder, but it will not go deeper then 1 step into that folder. For #2, you might expect this to take some time. I mean, it does go through every folder for every section you have defined, looking for the files. YES, this takes a while, but only the first time. It creates an index file with all the folders that checked out ok, so the next time it runs, it first looks into that file. If the folder its about to check is in there, it will not check it again. In short, it only takes time the first time its run. After that its lightning fast!.. almost. The index file is called tur-autonuke.index and will be located in whatever you set your temp folder to be. There is a setting to clean the file out after its a number of hours old, so it does not grow too big. The above also applies to the banned words module. It has its own index file for what it already checked and approved. Please read through the Installation section for more detailed features. It can do a few fun things :) This script has been tested on Mandrake, Debian and RedHat. It does work for FBSD as well but then it requires the extra script included, called See options below, specifically the LSM setting. Installation: To install this script, simply copy to any location you like, preferebly /glftpd/bin. Make it executable. Copy tur-autonuke.conf, preferebly to /glftpd/bin too. If its elsewhere, edit and change its location (only setting in the .sh file). Edit tur-autonuke.conf and you will find a few (lol) options. There are quick explanations of all the settings but I do suggest you read the following too !! (highly recomend it, infact). Be sure to read the section about SHWING= at the bottom. At the bottom you will also find instruction for how to get it working with Dark0n3s zipscript-c, if you want pre nuke warnings. Try doing a 'ls -m' from shell. It should output all the files in the folder on one line with a ', ' in between. If it does not, copy to /glftpd/bin as well and take an extra look at the LSM setting in the config. Normally you should not need to change the LSM variable or use the script though. Settings: today= yesterday= daysago2= daysago3= daysago4= daysago5= daysago6= daysago7= If you run dated dirs, it would (most likely) take too long to go through the entire structure of it. That is why I put these 7 here. With these, you can check dated folders up to a week old. Unless your dated dir structure differs from normal and your date binary works like on Mandrake/Redhat you dont have to change this. By "normal", I mean 0527 for 27th of May. More on how to use them later. today referes to todays dated folder and daysago7 is the dated folder from 7 days ago. GLROOT= The root of your glftpd setup. Usually just /glftpd GLCONF= The full path to your glftpd.conf. I will read this to check how your nuked folders look, and automatically exclude any of them if I find them. They have already been nuked, so no need to do it agan :) The nuke program also wants this. Usually just /etc/glftpd.conf (not /glftpd/glftpd.conf). GLLOG= The path to glftpd.log. If you have pre-nuke warning on in either of the four modules, I will write to this file so your sitebot can pick it up and announce it in your sitechan. Basically, all bot output goes to this file. LOG= When I nuke or send pre-nuke warnings, and I am not in test mode, I will log it to this file. (The nuke will be announced normally in irc too, if they normally are, so do not set this to glftpd.log). Any errors while not in test mode will go here too. TEMPDIR= The index file and various other files will be kept in this folder. Everything I store in here can safely be removed. Usually /glftpd/tmp NUKEPROG= Full path to "nuker", the program you use to nuke folders from shell. This comes with glftpd and must function from the shell for it to work in here. Try running it. NUKEUSER= What username shall I use when nuking? This user must exist and have the rights to nuke (flag A). This is case sensitive and should only contain the users name. DIRS= These are the folders I will check in, relative to GLROOT= above. As you can see from the example, I have included $today and $yesterday in a 0DAYS section, so it will check todays and yesterdays dated folder. Add all 7 of them if you want to check dated folders up to a week old. NOTE: Module 4 (Banned Words) and 5 (Allowed Words) has its own list of folders. Dont ruin the structure :) It should start with DIRS=" and end with another ". EXCLUDE= If, in any of the 5 modules, I find a folder that contains any of this, it will NOT be nuked. Some releases are considered incomplete, and will leave an incomplete symlink, or only a .nfo file. Can be something like blabla.NFO.FIX-sukagroup. You might want to add the name of any pre folders for you affils here too, incase they are empty (lousy affils then. Should be nuked dammit). The script never goes deeper then 1 folder to what you set in DIRS, but it never hurts to be extra careful. Separate what you want it to ignore with a space. This is not case sensitive. NFO.FIX is the same as Nfo.Fix etc. ALLOWED= This should be one word. If it finds something to nuke in any module, it will first check in the folder. If there is a folder with this word in here, it will NOT be nuked. Say you really want that internal movie, but the script will nuke it cause you have that as a banword. Then just make a folder in here with this name and the script wont touch it. Usually its "Allowed". It is not case sensitive, but make sure you spell it right :) -[ Totally empty module ]- TOTALLYEMPTY= Do you wish to use the module that checks for totally empty folders? If you dont, set this to FALSE and it will not run. You may then ignore any of the settings that deals with this module below. PRENUKEEMPTY= Should it send a pre-nuke warning to GLLOG, when a release is old enough? EARLYEMPTY= If above is TRUE, how old, in minutes, must the folder be, before it sends the pre-nuke warning. A good number here might be something like 7 minutes or so. TIMEEMPTY= How old, in minutes, must the empty folder be before I actually nuke it? This should ofcourse be higher then the one above (if you have pre-nuke warnings on). Also note. Say you have EARLYEMPTY on 7, and set this one to 20. But you have crontabbed this script to run every 21 minutes. If the script runs, and within 1 minute after that someone uploads an empty folder, the script will not have enough time to send a pre-nuke warning, since the next time it runs, the empty folder will be older then 20 minutes already, and is nuked instead. EMPTYNUKEMULTIPLIER= What multiplier should be used when nuking totally empty folders? EMBARRESEMPTY= The normal nuke output only shows how much they uploaded from the nuked release. If you set this one to TRUE, it will parse the nuke output and find how much they lost. Then send an "Loosers" line to GLLOG, so the bot can pick it up and announce it just after the normal nuke announce. Pretty funny :) Note that if the user has leech, it will say "Lost 0.0Mb". This is as it should be. EMPTYHOURS= If you set your EARLYEMPTY and TIMEEMPTY to higher then 60 minutes, you can set this one to TRUE and it will show hours instead of minutes in the logfile and during pre-nuke warnings to the bot. This does NOT change how you write it in those settings. They should still be in minutes in EARLYEMPTY and TIMEEMPTY. It will round downwards to the extreme, meaning, if you set TIMEEMPTY to 179 minutes, it will say 2 hours. If you set it to 180, it will say 3 hours and so on. -[ Half empty module ]- HALFEMPTY= Do you wish to use the half empty module at all? If not, set this to FALSE and ignore any settings concerning this module. PRENUKEHALFEMPTY= Send a pre-nuke warning when I found a folder I consider empty, thats is old enough? TRUE/FALSE. EARLYHALFEMPTY= How old, in minutes, must the folder be, before I send the pre-nuke warning? TIMEHALFEMPTY= How old, in minutes, must the folder be, before I actually nuke it? Please read TIMEEMPTY= in the above module. HALFEMPTYMULTIPLIER= What multiplier to use to nuke these half empty folders? EMBARRESHALF= The normal nuke output only shows how much they uploaded from the nuked release. If you set this one to TRUE, it will parse the nuke output and find how much they lost. Then send an "Loosers" line to GLLOG, so the bot can pick it up and announce it just after the normal nuke announce. Note that if the user has leech, it will say "Lost 0.0Mb". This is as it should be. EMPTYEXCLUDE= Now then, here is the core of this module. As default, this one contains some file extensions, like ".zip .rar .mp3" and so on. This is what the script looks for to consider it "not empty, I wont touch it". If the folder contains none of these extensions, it is considered empty and will be nuked. .nfo and .diz is a bad thing to add here, since those can almost always be uploaded without the dupechecker reacting to them. If its just a .nfo that should be in the folder, the general exclude (EXCLUDE=) will make it ok anyway (nfo.fix), or its a mislabeled release. Setting this to "" would be BAD, mmkay. It would think all the folders are empty. Better to have too much then too little in this one. It has been tested on a site with "normal" sections and it should be sufficient with its default settings. Seperate extensions with a space. If you're on a rather slow line, you might want to add a few .r05 and similar here too, or raise the time til it warns/nukes. .r* does NOT work. NOTE: When someone uploads a new file in the folder the date/time on the folder is updated. So if you have EARLYHALFEMPTY set to 5 minutes, nobody must have uploaded for 5 minutes in it before it warns. It does NOT go by created time but by modified time, so you do not need to add every .r15 file etc here. CLEANHOURS= How old must the index file be, in hours, before I clean it out? The default value is 24 (every 24 hours) the script will totally rebuild the index file. This takes some time, so dont set it too low. If you never want to clear it out, set this to "" to disable the function. Do not be afraid to raise this quite a bit, since it does save time, but takes some space. HALFHOURS= If you set your EARLYHALFEMPTY and TIMEHALFEMPTY to higher then 60 minutes, you can set this one to TRUE and it will show hours instead of minutes in the logfile and during pre-nuke warnings to the bot. This does NOT change how you write it in those settings. They should still be in minutes in EARLYHALFEMPTY and TIMEHALFEMPTY. It will round downwards to the extreme, meaning, if you set TIMEHALFEMPTY to 179 minutes, it will say 2 hours. If you set it to 180, it will say 3 hours and so on. -[ Incomplete module ]- INCOMPLETE= Do you want to use this module at all? If your zipscript does not create symlinks to show which releases are incomplete, it wont work anyway. TRUE/FALSE. If FALSE, then ignore all the options related to this module below. PRENUKEINCOM= Send a pre-nuke warning to GLLOG ? TRUE/FALSE. EARLYINCOM= Once I find an incomplete symlink and follow it to its folder, how old must that folder be, before I send an pre-nuke warning? You might want to set this a lot higher then the other 2 modules, since it might still be raced to the site when its older then what you put here. It all depends on how fast you require your releases to be finished. TIMEINCOM= How old, in minutes, must the incompleted release be, before I actually nuke it? See TIMEEMPTY= in the first module a bit up. INCOMMULTIPLIER= What multipler to use when nuking it ? EMBARRESINCOM= The normal nuke output only shows how much they uploaded from the nuked release. If you set this one to TRUE, it will parse the nuke output and find how much they lost. Then send an "Loosers" line to GLLOG, so the bot can pick it up and announce it just after the normal nuke announce. Note that if the user has leech, it will say "Lost 0.0Mb". This is as it should be. SYMLINKNAMES= This is a important one. What does your zipscript add to the symlink? This can be anything in the symlinks name. For zipscript-c 0.6.0a its [incomplete]- and that is also the default in this script. If this one is not set correctly, it will not find any symlinks. If your zipscript adds multiple types of symlinks, add each one here, seperated with a space ( jzsipscript does this for missing sfv and missing nfo ) and they will be checked and nuked for those reasons as well. If you are in doubt, just set it to the word, like "incomplete" without any special chars. -> Remember that is is case sensitive. <- CLEANSYMLINKS= If it finds an incomplete symlink, but the folder it points to is no longer there, should it remove the symlink? This usually happens if you manually nuke a release that is not completed. The incomplete symlink is left behind. TRUE/FALSE. CLEANMESSAGE= If your zipscript also creates a .message file with all the incomplete releases in the root of that section, I can remove the line about the release I just nuked. I know jzipscript does this, thanks to soehest, who also suggested this idea. TRUE/FALSE. Disabled by default. JUMPON= This is a neat one. Normally, if I find a symlink pointing to an individual CD or something inside a release, I can jump up one folder to its parent, and nuke that one instead of only the CD folder. I like to nuke the entire release if its incomplete, rather then just the CD. So, set it here what it should jump back on, if it finds it incomplete. Separate them with a space. It is not case sensitive (since 1.6.5). INCOMHOURS= If you set your EARLYINCOM and TIMEINCOM to higher then 60 minutes, you can set this one to TRUE and it will show hours instead of minutes in the logfile and during pre-nuke warnings to the bot. This does NOT change how you write it in those settings. They should still be in minutes in EARLYINCOM and TIMEINCOM. It will round downwards to the extreme, meaning, if you set TIMEINCOM to 179 minutes, it will say 2 hours. If you set it to 180, it will say 3 hours and so on. -[ Banned words module ]- BANNEDWORDS= Use the banned words module at all? If not, set it to FALSE to disable it. BANDIRS= This module has its own list of folders to check for banned words. It has nothing to do with DIRS, and can be a bit tricky to understand. I'll do my best. Lets pretend the following is true. In todays 0DAYS folder, you want to ban folders that include the words "german" or "french". In your SVCD folder, you want to ban "Internal". This is how it should be set up: BANDIRS=" /site/0DAYS/$today~german:french /site/SVCD~Internal " As you can see, after each path (section), there is a ~ that seperates the path to the folder from what you want it to look for in that path. so "/site/SVCD~Internal" means it will look for folders containing Internal in the folder /site/SVCD, got it? As with 0DAYS, you can see a : between the different words that it should check for. You can add how many words as you like to a section. In short: Separate the section and the banned words with a ~ Separate the banned words with a : Seperate different folders&banned_words with a space. Heres a longer example: BANDIR=" /site/DIVX~Internal:1998 /site/0DAYS/$today~German:French:Ebook /site/SVCD~SWESUB:Internal:Limited /site/XXX~-Mirage:-NovaVCD " In the above example; In /site/DIVX, it will look for folders containing Internal and 1998. In /site/0DAYS/$today, it will look for German, French and Ebook. in /site/SVCD, it will looks for SWESUB, Internal and Limited. in /site/XXX, it will look for -Mirage and -NovaVCD (not allowed groups). The banned words are not case sensitive, but the sections are. It will look better with -NovaVCD rather than -novavcd, because it will use what you enter here as the nuke reason but either way will work. Using dots (release standard) will make it more secure. If you for instance add SUBBED as a banned word, it will react on UNSUBBED too. If, however, you add .SUBBED it will not. Update: Since 1.4.2, you may also specify a different nuke multipler per each banned word. If you do not, it will use the default multiplier that you set BANMULTIPLIER below. To set a special multiplier to a banned word, add a * followed by the number to use. For instance: /site/0DAYS/$today~German*1:French:Ebook*2 German will be nuked x1. French will be nuked using the default multiplier set below. Ebook will be nuked x2. BANEXCLUDE= Special excludes for this section. If you have affils that pres german 0days or something, just add theyre names here, seperated with a space. See example. Anything other that might be in the foldername that you dont want nuked cause of a banned word can be added too. For instance, you really like VCDVaULT's internals (who dosnt) and you have internals as a bad word. Add -VCDVaULT here and every internal except VCDVaULT's will be nuked. Again, the - in -VCDVaULT is just to make it a bit more secure. BANPRENUKE= Send a pre-nuke warning when the release is old enough? As with the other modules this will only be sent once, and will simply log it in glftpd.log. TRUE/FALSE. EARLYBANPRENUKE= How old, in minutes, must the release be before I send the pre-nuke warning? Requires that BANPRENUKE above is TRUE. TIMEBANNUKE= How old, in minutes, must the release be before its actually nuked? BANMULTIPLIER= Default multiplier to use when banning in this module. If the banned word does not have an individual multiplier, this is what I will use when nuking. EMBARRESBAN= The normal nuke output only shows how much they uploaded from the nuked release. If you set this one to TRUE, it will parse the nuke output and find how much they lost. Then send an "Loosers" line to GLLOG, so the bot can pick it up and announce it just after the normal nuke announce. Note that if the user has leech, it will say "Lost 0.0Mb". This is as it should be. CLEANBANHOURS= The banned words module has its own index file for which release it has already checked, so it does not check them again. This is the time, in hours, before it cleans out that index file and builds a new one, thus checking all releases for banned words again. The default is "", which means that is will never clean it out. Why? Well, say you have tons of german 0days on your site, but now you decide not to allow them anymore so you add german as a banned word. If the index file is cleaned out, all releases with german in them will be nuked, even though they were allowed at the time of creation. If you set this to "" to disable it, only new releases will be checked for the banned word. Otherwise, if you want it to recheck all releases every 24 hours, set this to 24. BANHOURS= If you set your EARLYBANPRENUKE and TIMEBANNUKE to higher then 60 minutes, you can set this one to TRUE and it will show hours instead of minutes in the logfile and during pre-nuke warnings to the bot. This does NOT change how you write it in those settings. They should still be in minutes for EARLYBANPRENUKE and TIMEBANNUKE. It will round downwards to the extreme, meaning, if you set TIMEBANNUKE to 179 minutes, it will say 2 hours. If you set it to 180, it will say 3 hours and so on. -[ Allowed words module ]- ALLOWPRENUKE= Use the Allowed Words module at all? If FALSE, then skip the rest of the settings for this module. ALLOWDIRS= Same as for Banned Words, except that you can NOT set a special nuke multiplier. Example: ALLOWDIRS=" /site/MP3~-WiCKED:-TNT:-OGH /site/VCD~-SMB:STV " This means that in /site/MP3, it will nuke any folder that does NOT contain either -WiCKED, -TNT or -OGH. In /site/VCD, it will nuke any folder that does not contain -FTF or STV. In short: Section~AllowedWord1:AllowedWord2:etc ALLOWPRENUKE= TRUE/FALSE. Send a prenuke warning for the bot to pick up? EARLYALLOWPRENUKE= If above is TRUE, how old, in minutes, must the folder be, before I send the prenuke warning? TIMEALLOWNUKE= How old, in minutes, must the folder be, before I actually nuke it? Set this higher then EARLYALLOWPRENUKE, if that is TRUE. ALLOWMULTIPLIER= Anything nuked will be so using this multiplier. EMBARRESSALLOW= The normal nuke output only shows how much they uploaded from the nuked release. If you set this one to TRUE, it will parse the nuke output and find how much they lost. Then send an "Loosers" line to GLLOG, so the bot can pick it up and announce it just after the normal nuke announce. Note that if the user has leech, it will say "Lost 0.0Mb". This is as it should be. ALLOWHOURS= If you set your EARLYALLOWPRENUKE and TIMEALLOWNUKE to higher then 60 minutes, you can set this one to TRUE and it will show hours instead of minutes in the logfile and during pre-nuke warnings to the bot. This does NOT change how you write it in those settings. They should still be in minutes for EARLYALLOWPRENUKE and TIMEALLOWNUKE. It will round downwards to the extreme, meaning, if you set TIMEALLOWNUKE to 179 minutes, it will say 2 hours. If you set it to 180, it will say 3 hours and so on. -[ Other }- DELETENUKES= TRUE/FALSE. With this on TRUE, it will look for nuked folders in the DIRS and delete them after they are a number of hours old. Please note. The script will look for nuked folders based on your nukedir_syntax string in glftpd.conf. If your nuked folders contains any [ or ( characters, it will just look for the word NUKED. So, if you do have those chars in your nuked syntax, it can potentially delete a folder that is not really nuked, but contains the word NUKED. Guess it shouldnt happen, but now you are aware of it. TIMETODELEM= After this many hours, the nuked folders above will be removed, if above is TRUE. USEREXCLUDE= This is only used for the EMBARRES parts of each module. If, for some reason, you do not want someone to be showed in the loosers list when a nuke occurs you can add their name here. One name only. Default is UNKNOWN since thats what zipscript-c outputs sometimes. MATCHUSER= If you have pre-nuke warnings enabled in any of the modules, setting this to TRUE will make the script figure out who created the folder by reading the glftpd.log file and grepping NEWDIR on the folder. It can say the wrong user if the exact same folder in that section has been uploaded before, but that should only happen while testing it. This only works for those sections that NEWDIR is being logged to. See below. NOUSERFOUND= If you have MATCHUSER on TRUE, and you create a folder from shell or that folder is not logging NEWDIR to glftpd.log (pre perhaps?), it will by default say "Blabla/release-group created by someone unknown, is empty...." With this setting, you can change "someone unknown," to something else for fun. FORCENUKESYNTAX= By default, I check glftpd.conf for your nukedir_syntax, but with some syntaxes I might run into problems (having -- in it for instance). If you get grep errors or similar when running this script then change this to something else that only your nuked folders contains. "NUKED" is a good one. Leave this blank and I will check it myself. Most people will not have to change this one. USESPACES= The nuker program can nuke by encapsuling the release in {} if they have spaces or something in them. Some people reported that this did not work on their system for some reason and some systems dosnt work with it off, so I added this switch. ->If it does not actually nuke any releases, try changing this setting. LSM= Certain functions use 'ls -m' to build lists. This function normally outputs each file on one line with a ', ' inbetween. I was informed that this is not how it works in FBSD (Might be others too) so avizion made a small script to emulate the 'ls -m' function. If you are using FBSD, change this one to the full path to the included script; will probably work for other distros as well, if ls -m does not produce the desired result. It needs perl installed though. Edit the script for more info. SHWING= This one you must set to FALSE or removed totally for the script to run. Its just a test to see if you actually read instructions. For this script, you have to (Tihi, cought someone today with this one =). Update: Cought 3 more people since last update. rtfm ! =)) -[ Getting the sitebot to talk ]- This is only needed if any of the 4 prenuke warning are TRUE or any of the EMBARESS settings are TRUE. Basically, if you want to to announce anything other then the actual nuke (which will be announced automatically as if it was nuked on site), follow this. Here are the instructions for Dark0n3s Zipscript-c. If you have a working setup for another sitebot, please send the the config and I'll include it here, with your credits. Edit dZSbot.tcl Add the following to "set msgtypes(DEFAULT)" ANUKEL ANUKEEMPTY ANUKEHEMPTY ANUKEINC ANUKEBAN ANUKEALLOW Add the following beneith the existing "set chanlist(..)" set chanlist(ANUKEL) "#Sitechan" set chanlist(ANUKEEMPTY) "#Sitechan" set chanlist(ANUKEHEMPTY) "#Sitechan" set chanlist(ANUKEINC) "#Sitechan" set chanlist(ANUKEBAN) "#Sitechan" set chanlist(ANUKEALLOW) "#Sitechan" Replace Sitechan with your channel name. Add the following beneith the existing "set disable(..)" set disable(ANUKEL) 0 set disable(ANUKEEMPTY) 0 set disable(ANUKEHEMPTY) 0 set disable(ANUKEINC) 0 set disable(ANUKEBAN) 0 set disable(ANUKEALLOW) 0 Add the following beneith the existing "set variables(..)" set variables(ANUKEL) "%users" set variables(ANUKEEMPTY) "%release %timenow %nuketime" set variables(ANUKEHEMPTY) "%release %timenow %nuketime" set variables(ANUKEINC) "%release %timenow %nuketime" set variables(ANUKEBAN) "%release %banword %timenow %nuketime" set variables(ANUKEALLOW) "%release %timenow %nuketime" Add the following beneith the existing "set announce(..)" set announce(ANUKEL) "%bold-\[AutoNuke\]-%bold Losers: %users" set announce(ANUKEEMPTY) "%bold-\[AutoNuke\]-%bold %release is still empty after %timenow. Will be nuked when its %nuketime old" set announce(ANUKEHEMPTY) "%bold-\[AutoNuke\]-%bold %release, empty or incomplete after %timenow. Will be nuked when its %nuketime old" set announce(ANUKEINC) "%bold-\[AutoNuke\]-%bold %release has not been completed within %timenow. Will be nuked when its %nuketime old." set announce(ANUKEBAN) "%bold-\[AutoNuke\]-%bold %release, %banword not allowed. Will be nuked once its %nuketime old." set announce(ANUKEALLOW) "%bold-\[AutoNuke\]-%bold %release is not from an allowed group. Will be nuked once its %nuketime old." Change the outputs as your like. These are just the default ones. If you want your sitename first, make it: "-%sitename- %bold-\[AutoNuke\]-%bold ..." Dont forget to rehash the bot. Now then, there are 2 ways of disabling/enabling bot output. You can either set the "set disable" to 1 and it wont be announced, OR you can set it in the script, as I am sure you have read above. I recomend you set all the "set disable" in dZSbot.tcl to 0, then decide how you want it in the script. Its easier to change in the script, cause you dont have to rehash the bot and it also saves logspace by not writing it at all. This is all up to you of course. Trigger explanation: ANUKEL = Loosers line after a nuke (EMBARRES). ANUKEEMPTY = Totally Empty module pre nuke warning. ANUKEHEMPTY = Halt Empty module pre nuke warning. ANUKEINC = Incomplete module pre nuke warning. ANUKEBAN = Banned Word Module pre nuke warning. ANUKEALLOW = Allowed Words Module pre nuke warning. I received some info from kentaur. Thanks! : To use tur-autonuke with ss5 (sitestat) one needs to replace some lines in the script ( and then announce works. Search for the original line and replace it. ANUKEEMPTY Original Line: echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEEMPTY: \"$lastfolder/$REALEMPTY$uname\" \"$ETIME\" \"$NTIME\" >> $GLLOG Replace with : echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` "RAW: $folders/ \"\002-\[AutoNuke\]-\002 $lastfolder/$REALEMPTY$uname is still empty after $ETIME. Will be nuked when its $NTIME old\"" >> $GLLOG PRENUKEHALFEMPTY Original Line: echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEHEMPTY: \"$lastfolder/$them$uname\" \"$ETIME\" \"$NTIME\" >> $GLLOG Replace with : echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` "RAW: $folders/ \"\002-\[AutoNuke\]-\002 $folders/$them$uname, empty or incomplete after $ETIME. Will be nuked when its $NTIME old.\"" >> $GLLOG ANUKEINC Original Line: echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEINC: \"$lastfolder/$REALNAME$uname\" \"$ETIME\" \"$NTIME\" >> $GLLOG Replace with : echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` "RAW: $folders/ \"\002-\[AutoNuke\]-\002 $REALNAME$uname has not been completed within $ETIME. Will be nuked when its $NTIME old.\"" >> $GLLOG ANUKEBAN Original Line: echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEBAN: \"$lastfolder/$them$uname\" \"$banword\" \"$ETIME\" \"$NTIME\" >> $GLLOG Replace with : echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` "RAW: $folders/ \"\002-\[AutoNuke\]-\002 $lastfolder/$them$uname, $banword not allowed. Will be nuked once its $NTIME old.\"" >> $GLLOG ANUKEALLOW Original Line: echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEALLOW: \"$lastfolder/$them$uname\" \"$ETIME\" \"$NTIME\" >> $GLLOG Replace with : echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` "RAW: $folders/ \"\002-\[AutoNuke\]-\002 $lastfolder/$them$uname, $banword not allowed. Will be nuked once its $NTIME old.\"" >> $GLLOG -[ Testing ]- To test if this script works as it should, create; 1: One totaly empty folder somewhere in the sections you defined it to search in. 2: One empty folder and drag a .nfo file info it (so its not totally empty). 3: One empty folder and upload a .sfv file into it so it becomes incomplete. Also put a zip or something in it so the Half Empty folder dosnt react on it. 4: One folder containing one of the banned words you have set. Upload a .zip or something in it so neither the empty nor halfempty module catches it. 3: One folder that does not contain any of the allowed words. Upload a zip or something in it, and make sure its not incomplete. Now run the script from shell with the parameter test ( test) and watch what its doing. If you created the folders from shell, it will say "Created by someone unknown", since no NEWDIR for that folder exists in glftpd.log. IT WONT SAY OR DO MUCH UNTIL EITHER THE PRE-NUKE WARNING TIME OR ACTUAL NUKE TIME IS REACHED ON THE FOLDERS so set them low during this test. Dont worry about nuking your entire site when you run with test mode. If, during test mode, it says that its sending a pre-nuke warning, it will actually create the file that tells this script that it has already sent this warning. This means that once you run it without test mode, it will not send a prewarning again. To reset prewarnings, simply delete all files starting with "prewarned" in the tempfolder specified ( rm -f /glftpd/tmp/prewarned* ) It will say some dumb stuff, like "bla bla, nuking it 3x" and afterwards, "Sending pre nuke warning". That is just because it does never actually nuke it. It it was a live run, it would have nuked it and a prenuke warning would not be sent, since we exclude all nuked releases. To test bot output, paste the following in your shell, providing the path to glftpd.log is correct. Do it one line at a time. echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEL: \"Test lost 50 megs, lamo!\" >> /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEMPTY: \"Test\" \"10 secs\" \"20 secs\" >> /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEHEMPTY: \"Test\" \"10 secs\" \"20 secs\" >> /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEINC: \"Test\" \"10 secs\" \"20 secs\" >> /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEBAN: \"Test\" \"word\" \"10 secs\" \"20 secs\" >> /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log echo `date "+%a %b %e %T %Y"` ANUKEALLOW: \"Test\" \"10 secs\" \"20 secs\" >> /glftpd/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log If you get a [DEFAULT] output in irc chan, you didnt set it up as instructed above, or you forgot to rehash the bot =) Atleast with zipscript-c. I recomend you run it manually in test mode for a few hours (or days) to see if it does anything stupid that I did not anticipate. Once you think it looks good, run it manually without test mode and finally crontab it to run as often as you like. If you think it looks crap, tell me why or dont use it :) If it craps out for some reason, only enable one module at a time to see which one it craps out on. Then report to me with which module crapped out, and gimme your settings. If the script craps out, make sure all the parameters are enclosed in either "" or '' (some are different, and should stay that way). Be extra careful when editing options that uses several lines, like DIRS. More scripts from me can be found at <-> /Turranius 2002-2003