Usage: Make a backup of your current Emulators\WinUAE\Configurations\Host\amigahost.uae file and put this one there instead. Now, if you have the default X-Arcade Tank stick with two joysticks, you can select if it the amiga should have 1: One joystick and one mouse 2: Two joysticks. In both cases, the real PC mouse will be active as well, so you can have 2 joysticks and the real PC mouse acting as a mouse as well. You switch between them with the 1 and 2 player buttons and this can be done at any time. One player button = Joy+Mouse. Two player button = 2 joysticks. So now you can play mouse based (single player) games with your X-Arcade! If a friend wants to join, hit the two player button and you now have two joysticks. BIG HINT: If starting WinUAE through Hyperlaunch and pressing F12 to modify some setting, make sure to REMOVE all harddrives (DH0 and DH1) before saving the configuration. Failure to do so will cause WinUAE to only show the kickstart screen on your next start of a game. Always keep a backup of amigahost.uae before playing around with it. Advanced: How does this work? Normally you would set your controllers in "Game ports" but this uses the more advanced "Input" configuration. Its a pain in the arse to figure out but here is how its done. At the top you can select configurations. We use Configuration #1 for two players (two joy) and Configuration #2 for one player (one joy, one mouse). To switch between them, we change (In both Conf #1 and Conf #2) the buttons 1 (default button for 1 player on the x-arcade) to "Select Input Configuration #2" 2 (default button for 2 player on the x-arcade) to "Select Input Configuration #1" So if you select Configuration #2, click on "Test" and hit a joystick button, it will jump to where you can remap that key (If it says Input Captured on the title bar after pressing your joystick button, hit F12 to get out of it). So if you click joy button one (actually the key LCONTROL) on the X-Arcade, you can see that it is configured for "Joy2 Fire". If you click on "Test" and move the 2nd joystick up (while in Configuration #2), you can see that its mapped to "Mouse1 Up". Meaning that while you are in Configuration #2, moving the 2nd joystick up with actually emulate moving the mouse up. So now you can play Cannon Fodder using your X-Arcade =) (yeah, dont even try it. No control).