Artists H-N
(In alphabetical order)
[A-G] [H-N] [O-R] [S-Z]
David Hall
Last updated: '99 Added '99 |
His "Medicine For My Pain" album is one of the finest contemporary soul
albums I've heard in years. Meet the shy, but extremely friendly British singer,
songwriter, arranger, musician and producer Lynden David Hall in this two-page interview.

"Bo" Horne
Last updated: '98 Added '98 |
If you were anywhere near a club in the mid- to late seventies, there is no way
you could have missed Jimmie "Bo" Horne and his positively charged and
exceptionally catchy dance jams. Floor-fillers like "Gimme Some",
"Get Happy", "Dance Across The Floor", "Spank" and "You
Get Me Hot" kept you shaking your booty all night long and even if you had a rough
day, you left the discotheque with a big smile on your face. Page features a bio, based on
an interview, and an albums/singles discography.

Last updated: '96 Added '96 |
Meet the
U.K.'s finest. Paul Tucker and Tunde Baiyewu are the Lighthouse Family, the duo that took
the British charts by storm with their "Ocean Drive" and "Lifted"
singles last year. In an interview from April 1996, Paul Tucker explains how the
Lighthouse Family's album, "Ocean Drive" was designed to create pictures in your
mind. There's also a second interview with the affable Paul Tucker from November 1996,
where he speaks of Lighthouse Family's (then) forthcoming "Postcards From
Heaven" album and how the massive success of "Ocean Drive" has affected the

Last updated: '98 Added: '98 |
Barbara "Lady Love" Mason, one of the true pioneers of Philly-Soul, was born in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1947. Although she, like so many other young girls, had
dreams of a becoming a star, she never thought it would happen to her. But it did. She was
still a minor when she had her first hit record "Yes, I'm Ready" in 1965. Seven
years later, she would be one of the most celebrated Soul singers, only to disappear
almost completely from the public eye in the early eighties. The Mason pages features a
five part interview (the longest ever published on Barbara?), a bio and a discography.

Maxwell |
Last updated: '98 Added: '96 |
bohemian and shy. That's what's been said about Columbia/Sony recording artist Maxwell in
the press. Fascinating and very friendly is a more appropriate description. In this
interview, he talks about the music and the message in his "Maxwell's Urban Hang
Suite", arguably one of the best Soul albums of '96.

Last updated: '97 Added: '97 |
Gwen McCrae is the epitome of Southern "Deep Soul". She debuted in 1969 with
then husband George and went on to record a string of high-quality singles and albums for
the T.K. subsidiary Cat, "Rockin' Chair" being her biggest hit. After a
disappointing 2-LP stint with Atlantic in the early eighties, Gwen left the music
business, but was only happy when forced to return by her loyal British following. After
an album on Goldwax in 1996, Ichiban Records released and re-packaged Gwen's brilliant,
U.K.-recorded effort "Girlfriend's Boyfriend". Page features a 2-part interview.

Last updated: '97 Added: '97 |
Michele was first heard on "Everyday & Everynight", a giant hit from
Funkmaster Flex' "Mixtapes Vol. One". That smash was followed by "I'm Not
Feeling You" and in the fall of '97, Yvette's first album "My Dream", which
efficiently mixes Hip-Hop, R&B and House, was finally released. This interview with
the articulate and easy-going Yvette took place via the phone from Paris.
Artists continued... |
© Maria Granditsky
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